Our first children's book about bees! "Henry Meets a Honey Bee" is the product of stroke recovery as the author, Justin Ruger, used the illustrations to relearn how to reuse his arm. It was officially released on October 09, 2021, in honor of the late Shirley Channey Lawrence.
Henry Meets a Honey bee is the story of Henry, who goes on the journey of a lifetime to learn about honey bees uniquely. After meeting Honey, the queen bee of a local hive, he is turned into one. The book teaches kids about the honey bees following Henry from the perspective of a honey bee. It uses bright, whimsical art and an exciting story to capture children's interest and teach them all about the roles of female honey bees, how they protect their hives, and the unique roles of the male bees and queen. I hope you find this book interesting, and it teaches your child about one of nature’s favorite pollinators.
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